Keeping the pet hair (cat fur) under control is a daily task that we take VERY seriously in my home. Not only because skipping a day of fur-gathering will cause a hairy mess that's hard to get back under control – but also because I'm 'highly’ allergic to my cats. After deciding to simply accept the endless sneezing, wheezing, and itchy eyes, I made it my mission to find cleaning solutions that would be easy, quick, quiet, and pet-friendly.
The tools we use here must be quiet because I clean my house while the baby sleeps. They also must be easy because I'm generally exhausted from chasing around a toddler and the cats (neither of whom make ‘sleep’ a priority) and they must be pet-friendly because my cats are highly sensitive to cleaning product scents & stress from noises. If any of these points are relatable, I hope you find these products as helpful as I do!
Recommended Cleaning Products to Easily Clean Pet Hair From Around The House
So here it is, the perfect set of tools to remove pet hair quietly, easily and quickly. Another bonus is that all together they cost under $300 based on current prices.

Pet Hair Remover Roller, ACE2ACE Reusable Animal Hair Removal Brush - we use this for sofas, beds, jackets, and any other cloth-type materials that catch cat hair. It's reusable (great for the environment) and super easy to clean. Link at the bottom.
Anywhere that we aren't able to use the roller, we use regular sticky lint rollers. I added a link to the exact ones we keep near the entry door, every bathroom, and every car just in case we need to remove a few hairs off of clothing before heading out. Link at the bottom to Scotchbrite Lint Rollers from Amazon.
Swiffer Sweeper with Dry Cloth Refills - Our Swiffer Sweeper is probably the most used cleaning tool in the house. It's super versatile, lightweight, easy to store, and easy to pick up and use. After the first wet cloths that came with the sweeper were finished - we continued replacing only the dry cloth refills. Since the cats are super sensitive to most cleaning product scents, we started using a wet microfibre towel and sticking it onto the sweeper to use it as a wet mop. This is just one of the reasons this product is so versatile. The dry cloth refills also come in really nice quantities and last a while. Link to the Swiffer Sweeper and Dry Cloth Refills at the bottom.
Bissell Carpet Sweeper - As I mentioned before, all of our cleaning has to be done quickly and quietly while the baby sleeps. That's what makes this one of my top-used tools for cleaning at home. It works like a vacuum cleaner without the noise and the cords! It picks up hair and crumbs from hardwood, tile, and my area rugs so easily. Again, the link is at the bottom.
If you haven't yet found a solution to your pet hair problems, definitely try these out! The products being great quality helps a lot - but it's still up to you to get the job done daily. After all, the love of these silly pets makes all the hassle worth it. You got this! Happy cleaning.
Here are the links to all the products mentioned above:
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